Monday, May 8, 2017


         Do you know that Desa Pariangan or Pariangan Village (Indonesian) is the one of most beautiful Village in the world?  This place has been nominated to be the most five beautiful village in the world by Budget Travel Magazine version that is the international reputable magazine at the end of 2012. The others is Wengen Village (Switzerland), Eze Village (France), Niagara on the lake (Canada) and Cesky Krumlove (Czech). I am sure this place still unknown for you and never thought this village lies in Indonesia. Obviously, for Indonesian visitors this place is not recognize. However, the visitors from abroad has realize this beautiful place are exist and it proven from the visitors progress getting increase to west sumatera when the yearly international even Tour de Singkarak performed. Desa Pariangan located on the Slope of Marapi Mountain at an altitude of 500-700 meters above sea level and it is the oldest village in West Sumatra. 

        When come to this village, you will be presented with beautiful scenery green along with culture and Architecture buildings that are still preserved to this day. This is because most residents in Pariangan still use Minangkabau traditional buildings, namely Rumah Gadang. Many of them are even hundreds of years old. Beside to the old buildings and rich in cultural values, Pariangan village also has Ishlah Mosque which is the oldest mosque in Minang realm. The existence of the mosque and its activities adding rich Pariangan cultural heritage. If you intend to visit the most beautiful village in the world, at the beginning of entering the village, you will be treated to views of corn plantations and some other plants. You must walk a few minutes before arriving in the settlement. Just like the rural area, the settlement in Pariangan is not too crowded, so you can freely enjoy the village atmosphere. As far as the eye can see, you can enjoy the panorama of soothing green rice fields. This village becomes the right choice for you who want to break from the hustle and bustle of the capital and its jam.

           In addition to pampering your eyes with beautiful views, you can also indulge in a soak in the hot springs. In particular, this bathhouse is believed to have a water source from Mount Marapi. Sulfur content is very beneficial for the health of your skin. Pariangan residents also have interesting habits to follow. One of them is having a habit of shower together in a public bath or commonly called the edge bath. The edge of this bath can be found in front of Ishlah Mosque. There is a bathing edge for women named Rangek Subarang, and two baths for men named Rangek Gaduang and Rangek Tujuah. Beside bathing, this place is also be used for washing. The activities of the residents here are interesting to follow.

Desa Pariangan Story

          Nagari Pariangan is an ancient village and as the forerunner of a typical government system of Minangkabau people, popular with the name of Nagari. 
However, the nagari government system only survived until 1980 following the emergence of a law on the change of the lower-level government system that required the nagari to be replaced by the village government system, as developed in the Javanese society. However, in line with the spirit of Regional Autonomy, 1999, which provides an opportunity for the region to develop itself independently, West Sumatra people re-apply the nagari government system.
          Baliak ka nagari, this statement was popular at the time especially luhak nan tigo, namely Tanah Datar, Agam, and Lima Puluh Kota. The system of village governance also changed with the nagari government system. Pariangan as the origin of Minangkabau was renamed from Pariangan Village to Nagari Pariangan. Not only known as the origin of nagari, Nagari Tuo Pariangan also known as the origin of Minangkabau society. In the history recorded in tambang Minang shows that Nagari Pariangan is the origin nagari of Minangkabau tribe which by local people referred to as "Tampuk Tangkai Alam Minangkabau". That's mean, this nagari is believed to be the first place of the emergence of Minangkabau Nature life for hundreds of years ago. In tambo story told, that the Minangkabau society is the descendant of Alexander the Great. It is said that he has three sons, namely Sultan Maharaja Dipang (Sutan Maharajo Dipang), Sultan Maharaja Alif (Sutan Maharjo Alif), and Sultan Maharaja Diraja (Sutan Maharajo Dirajo). 
         Then how Nagari Pariangan can be selected as the most beautiful village in the world? Many of the variables that determine the choice fall on Pariangan, among which the community and local government is able to maintain their ancestral cultural heritage. The local wisdom they use as a capital to develop this historical village.The result, Nagari Pariangan not only as the mascot of Tanah Datar Regency but already the pride of West Sumatra and now also become the pride of us all the Indonesian nation.

Direction and Guidance Journey to Desa Pariangan

          Well, this article would not be completed if the information shared only focus at the beautiful view of village and the village story without to include the information of Guidance and Traveling Direction. You may see the Guidance Journey to visit this wonderful village by click the link below :
Travel Guidance


Desa Pariangan is located in Pariangan Resident, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat - Indonesia. For you the traveling lovers and tourist from outside of Indonesia who to intent to visit this place, i will provide you the guidance to reach the Desa Pariangan Area.

From Minangkabau Airport

Firstly for you from outside of Sumatera Barat or Indonesia, Your destination shall be landed to Minangkabau International Airport, Padang - Sumatera Barat.  There are many facilities can support your next journey to the tourist object especially to Desa Pariangan. You can find the money changer, Restaurant, or Food and beverage shop in this area. The ATM machine also available in this place. The public transportation such as Taxi and bus can be used and available here. and the next stop is Padang City just to forward the journey to the Kabupaten Tanah Datar by bus that you can ride on the bus at Padang City to Batu Sangkar,-the capital city of Kabupaten Tanah Datar. To ease you to find the next bus, I recommend you to use Taxi to get there and asking driver to drive you to the Bus which will drive you to Batu Sangkar city or asking the driver to drive you the travel provider who has service to bring you to Desa Pariangan. Both of way is safe enough for you to be there. But sometimes the taxi driver offering to bring you to Desa Pariangan and off course the cost will be expensive but you are safe to the place.

From Padang City to Batu Sangkar & Desa Pariangan
Further more, if you use Bus to your destination at Batu Sangkar, the journey will take 2 hours to get there and continue to ride on minibus that are available in Batu Sangkar city to Desa Pariangan. In Batu Sangkar, there is a lot of Commercial Bikers can bring you to Desa Pariangan cause it just take 5 to 10 Minutes or 13 KM Ditance to Desa Pariangan.

Transportation Cost will be charged

1.   From Airport to Padang city by Taxi takes Rp. 150K - Rp.200K. The journey takes 50 Minutes to
      Map :

2.   From Padang City to Batu Sangkar City by Public Transportation such as Bus takes Rp. 20K.
      The Journey take 20 hours to arrived.
      Map :

3.   From Batu Sangkar City to Desa Pariangan by Commercial Bikers called Ojek take Cost Rp. 20K
      to 30K. The Journey take time for 10 minutes.
      Map :

Well, Hopefullly this information can be your guidance and reference to reach this beautiful place Desa Pariangan. Have a nice trip, Guys...  Cheers..


This Blog was build Based on my love to my country Indonesia that has been blessed by Natural Resources wealth, a lot of cultural and tribal but still United within the united of the Republic of Indonesia. Beside its wealth, culture and tribal,- Indonesia also has a lot of great landscape, beautiful natural view and other touring object that able to call all traveling lovers and tourists of over the world to come and see the wonderful Indonesia. However, a lot of tourists and traveling lovers have no guide and information about the entire tourist objective in Indonesia. Many of them always make Bali, Lombok, Raja Ampat andJogja as the only reference and information they have while visiting Indonesia. Moreover, the worst, they recognize Indonesia has many terrorist is prowling to make some places are target. I can guarantee and dispute it that it is not right. Indonesia is safe country and tourists will be safe while visiting Indonesia. Enjoy the friendship of Indonesian people and you will love them once you face and experience it. Now, I would tell you that Indonesia still has a lot of unexplored Place and object to be known and you can see on this blog for entirely but due to this website is still new, I need time to write it down and share all the information step by step.   

In this blog, all the information you need to visit Indonesia will be present for you so make your journey can be easily and comfortable. In this website, you can find the maps of the touring object, Tourists Destination, Touring Direction and so on.
Finally, I hope this website can be useful for you the traveling lovers and tourists who loves Indonesia and feel the wonderful Indonesia, wonderful people, wonderful culture and tribal and wonderful culinary. Thank you and enjoy visiting my blog.

PS : Please let me know if you would have a journey and need the detail information of the place that can’t be found on this BlogSpot so I can put the information on my blog.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


         Lake Toba (Indonesian: Danau Toba) is a large natural lake occupying the caldera of a supervolcano. The lake is about 100 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 metres deep. Located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, with a surface elevation of about 900 metres. It is the largest lake in Indonesia and also the largest volcanic lake in the world. Lake Toba is the site of a massive supervolcanic eruption estimated at VEI 8 that occurred 69,000 to 77,000 years ago, representing a climate-changing event. It is the largest known explosive eruption on Earth in the last 25 million years. According to the Toba catastrophe theory, it had global consequences for human populations; it killed most humans living at that time and is believed to have created a population bottleneck in central east Africa and India, which affects the genetic make up of the human worldwide population to the present.

         Lake Toba is a lake with the the best view and landscape from any side you want to document it. If you look from the height, then you are able to see almost the entire surface area of Lake Toba. Lake Toba have been proposed by the government of Indonesia as one of the 7 wonders of the world along with Borobudur Temple to  the United Nations because Lake Toba is being built by Supervolcano eruption that has been formed a giant caldera and change almost large part of the earth climate for seven years. And because of the beauty and its elegance, the Indonesian government through the government of the province of North Sumatra want to make this place is one of the favorite destination for tourists both local and international tourists by improving and enhancing the facilities and infrastructure that exist in this region for the better and easier to be visited. Hotels, guesthouses and comfortable  & save homestays scattered in this area ranging from an affordable rate to exclusive. There are some places attractions that you can visit in Lake Toba that will not make you stop in awe to enjoy it.  I will describe one by one here but it would be better if I deliver the travel information that you need to go to rich this place easily. 

The Trip  Information

          For those of you who come from outside the province of North Sumatra and from abroad, if you want to visit to Lake Toba, you will land at the International Airport Kuala Namo, Medan. A magnificent for international airports and is the third largest airport in Indonesia. From the airport, you can continue the journey to the city specifically to Jalan Sisingamaraja, Marendal than forward to ride the bus Medan - Parapat by route. There are many transportation options at the airport to Medan City, namely: Train, Bus and Taxi. If you ride the Taxi, you can ask the driver to drive you to the Bus heading to Parapat. If you using the airport bus, the next stop is Jalan Sisingamaraja, Marendal. But if you riding the train, you will stop at the Train station in Lapangan Benteng. From Medan heading to Parapat, there are many transportation option for you to heading to Parapat and it will take 4 - 5 hours trip. You can find the Bus namely Sejahtera which is always keep up this route for years. For detail information about this trip to Parapat from Medan, you can check it out here

Well, lets begin to discuss about the Tourist Attraction available in Toba Lake as stated before on the above articles. 

1.  Taman Simalem Resort
        The angle of view of the location of Lake Toba from simalem park resort is a tourist place in Desa Merek, Tanah Karo, North Sumatra, promising the  beauty of Lake Toba exclusively. one tree hill there is a path that can be found if a right turn toward the orange orchard from the front gate. At this place the tourists can see Lake Toba from the highest point in the resort. You have to pay Rp. 50.000 for walkers who want to enter it just to see the view of Lake Toba from Simalem Resort. For motorcycles of charge Rp. 85.000 and Rp.250.000 for cars. See this sample of Danau Toba view from Simalem Resort below.

2. Bukit Simarjarunjung
          Toba lake view also can be seen from the hill (Indonesian : Bukit) of Simarjarunjung, Tigaras at Si Sapu Angin, Simalungun, North Sumatra. You can enjoy the view of Toba Lake from here being accompanied by food and drink that will make you vacation and relaxation more complete. Simarjarunjung hill offering panoramic views of the mortal tub which may only exist in heaven. The Bukit Simarjarunjung is the tourist attraction which is lies on the top of the hill to see the beautiful scenery of rice fields, tea gardens and Lake Toba. The scenery is also equipped with a blue sky and a gentle breeze. If the weather is sunny and foggy, you can see the area around Lake Toba like green hills, mountains and blue lake water sparkle. That can linger at the top, you are recommended to bring a thick jacket and lunch at this place because of its cool air and cool. This place is also often in use for camping by the students or the community of nature lovers. 

3. Pulau Samosir
         Samosir Island is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba in North Sumatra province. Pulau Samosir commonly called the island in the island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, making the island became an island that attract tourists. Tuktuk is the tourists favorite place on the island. From Parapat, Tuktuk can be connected by crossing ferry. In addition to water transportation, Samosir Island can also be reached by road through Pangururan that a place where Samosir Island and Sumatra Island are connected. Samosir Island itself is located in the district of Samosir newly bloomed in 2003 from Toba Samosir regency. On this island there are also two small lakes as a tourist attraction which is Sidihoni Lake and Lake Aek Natonang who earned the nickname "lake on the lake".
There are various place as tourists attraction in Samosir Island as the following :
1.   Tomb of King Sidabutar, located in Tomok, the tomb made of intact stone that been
      carved without any linkage to the resting place of King Sidabutar businessmen Tomok 
      region at that time.
2.  Parsidangan stone, located in the village of stone Siallagan is being structured so during 
      the reign of King Siallagan place to prosecute and execute criminals.
3.  The Performances of Sigale-gale, were in Tomok is a folk art sculptures that are made to 
      be danced following the Gondang tradisional music.
4.  Marhosa stone, lies in sigarantung-village of Parmonangan, is a natural phenomenon of 
     the stone who can breath or able to exhale the air.
5.  Ambarita beaches, for bathing and fishing.
6.  Aek Natonang, located in the village Tanjungan,- that is a lake on the lake and be planned
     as an Tourism area covering 105 ha of the Forest.
7.  Tuktuk Siadong, the region similar cape of peninsula is now become the center of tourist
     activities (central tourism district) which been crowded y the business hotels &
     restaurants as well as a painter and engraver.
8. Bukit Beta kite International, a special area in Tuktuk Siadong which has been defined by
    Mr. Governor of North Sumatra. T. Rizal Nurdin in August 2004 for the location of the 
    Kite game International.
And a lot of more tourist place can be found in this Samosir Island.
Samosir Island

 Currently, there are many hotels, homestay, and guest house available on every place you are visiting within Danau Toba. You can found it all in Parapat Town, Samosir Island and other place in Danau Toba. The cost for stay in is varies from Rp. 100.000/Night - Rp. depend on grade or class room. Well, I can sure you all the potential tourist will not disappoint once you visit the Toba Lake. I will welcome you when you are here.  


Friday, December 9, 2016



           Mentawai Islands is an archipelago located on western of the Sumatra Island and surrounded by the Indian Ocean. Mentawai Islands are part of a series of non-volcanic islands and archipelagoes that the peaks of an underwater ridge. The Mentawai district consists of four main island groups that inhabited which is the island of Siberut, Sipora Island, North Pagai and South Pagai island. In addition, there are several small islands are uninhabited and mostly just another island planted with palm trees. Mentawai tribe as the main population in the district and generally the public did not have a clear picture of their origins, although any of them know some of the mythology that sometimes a little vague and unbelievable. Local people call their country by the name of Bumi Sikerei. Most of the inhabitants of the islands in the Mentawai Islands district comes from the island of Siberut. Mentawai tribe society physically has a culture that is mostly like an archaic neolithic era where the public is not familiar with the technology of metalworking, as well as planting and the art of weaving.  District population half of which are animists, then mostly Christians and Muslims. After the independence of the people in this district has been mingle with other tribes in Indonesia, especially after the district became one of the transmigration destination.

The Mentawai Beach - The Surfing Paradise

         Mentawai Islands in West Sumatra has a gorgeous stretch beaches. The Beach with white sand blends with the blue water. Mentawai has great waves that are well known among surfers the world as a surfing paradise, and that's why the Mentawai waves is being positioned at the fourth great waves on surfing in the world. There are many stunning beaches in Mentawai, call it Turkish Mapaddegat, Tuapeijat, Makakang in North Sipora, Simatalu in West Siberut and Sipora Katiet in the South. Besides beaches mentioned earlier, here are many other beaches spread over 10 districts in Mentawai. In addition Mentawai Islands also became one of the adventure tourism and cultural destination. Madobak village, Ugai village, and the village Matotonan are some cultural villages that are worth visiting. 

        To reach these villages, you have to travel about 5-6 hours through the river and the trail through the route of Muara Siberut Rokdok-Madobak-Ugai-Matotonan. The village is famous due to a waterfall Madobak Kulu Kubuk as high as 70 meters consisting of 2 levels.
Beside to the village Madobak, you can also visit Lake Rua Oinan which is shaped estuary surrounded by a large tree, which is located in the middle of the woods in the hamlet Saumanganyak.

           In addition to presenting the charm of beautiful beaches, Mentawai also become the central gathering endemic animals such as Mentawai macaque, pig tailed macaque monkeys, squirrels musk, Sipora flying squirrels, flying squirrels siberut and much more. Which would further spoil your travel and can be one of educational travel for your children in the region of West Sumatra. When you come to Mentawai, do not forget to taste the typical food Mentawai, taro chips derived from the taro plant, only to be found in the tourist attractions of West Sumatra.

Trip Information

           To get to the Mentawai islands, sea transport is still the mainstay. Using a motor boat that operates twice a week on Sunday night by Sumber Rezeki Baru Boat and Thursday night by Simasini Boat through the Bungus Port. Bungus Port takes around 50 Minutes from Minangkabau International Airport. Due to the location is  quite far away from the city of Padang, a trip would take in 1 day. This ship which became the main transport also when returning to the field that is departing on Tuesday and Friday nights at a cost of Rp. 125,000 per once trip. You can also use air transport departing from Minangkabau International Airport and then rent a small plane such as Tiger Air or SMAC up to Tuapejat in Sipora Island. Shorter journey time of around 3-4 hours to reach the mouth of Siberut. Several tour packages that exist in West Sumatra travel also provides packages including lodging, round trip transportation and take pictures with tribal facilities Mentawai and tour guide with a price range of Rp. 1,500,000 - Rp. 2,500,000.
           Well for those of you who are interested to venture Mentawai Islands district, you do not have to worry about where to stay if the price of lodging does not match your pocket. Several islands in the southern districts and the North Pagai siberut provide homestay. Hospitality of the population is already well known by tourists so that they would be happy to welcome you to stay and stopped at their residence.