Tuesday, December 13, 2016


         Lake Toba (Indonesian: Danau Toba) is a large natural lake occupying the caldera of a supervolcano. The lake is about 100 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 metres deep. Located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, with a surface elevation of about 900 metres. It is the largest lake in Indonesia and also the largest volcanic lake in the world. Lake Toba is the site of a massive supervolcanic eruption estimated at VEI 8 that occurred 69,000 to 77,000 years ago, representing a climate-changing event. It is the largest known explosive eruption on Earth in the last 25 million years. According to the Toba catastrophe theory, it had global consequences for human populations; it killed most humans living at that time and is believed to have created a population bottleneck in central east Africa and India, which affects the genetic make up of the human worldwide population to the present.

         Lake Toba is a lake with the the best view and landscape from any side you want to document it. If you look from the height, then you are able to see almost the entire surface area of Lake Toba. Lake Toba have been proposed by the government of Indonesia as one of the 7 wonders of the world along with Borobudur Temple to  the United Nations because Lake Toba is being built by Supervolcano eruption that has been formed a giant caldera and change almost large part of the earth climate for seven years. And because of the beauty and its elegance, the Indonesian government through the government of the province of North Sumatra want to make this place is one of the favorite destination for tourists both local and international tourists by improving and enhancing the facilities and infrastructure that exist in this region for the better and easier to be visited. Hotels, guesthouses and comfortable  & save homestays scattered in this area ranging from an affordable rate to exclusive. There are some places attractions that you can visit in Lake Toba that will not make you stop in awe to enjoy it.  I will describe one by one here but it would be better if I deliver the travel information that you need to go to rich this place easily. 

The Trip  Information

          For those of you who come from outside the province of North Sumatra and from abroad, if you want to visit to Lake Toba, you will land at the International Airport Kuala Namo, Medan. A magnificent for international airports and is the third largest airport in Indonesia. From the airport, you can continue the journey to the city specifically to Jalan Sisingamaraja, Marendal than forward to ride the bus Medan - Parapat by route. There are many transportation options at the airport to Medan City, namely: Train, Bus and Taxi. If you ride the Taxi, you can ask the driver to drive you to the Bus heading to Parapat. If you using the airport bus, the next stop is Jalan Sisingamaraja, Marendal. But if you riding the train, you will stop at the Train station in Lapangan Benteng. From Medan heading to Parapat, there are many transportation option for you to heading to Parapat and it will take 4 - 5 hours trip. You can find the Bus namely Sejahtera which is always keep up this route for years. For detail information about this trip to Parapat from Medan, you can check it out here

Well, lets begin to discuss about the Tourist Attraction available in Toba Lake as stated before on the above articles. 

1.  Taman Simalem Resort
        The angle of view of the location of Lake Toba from simalem park resort is a tourist place in Desa Merek, Tanah Karo, North Sumatra, promising the  beauty of Lake Toba exclusively. one tree hill there is a path that can be found if a right turn toward the orange orchard from the front gate. At this place the tourists can see Lake Toba from the highest point in the resort. You have to pay Rp. 50.000 for walkers who want to enter it just to see the view of Lake Toba from Simalem Resort. For motorcycles of charge Rp. 85.000 and Rp.250.000 for cars. See this sample of Danau Toba view from Simalem Resort below.

2. Bukit Simarjarunjung
          Toba lake view also can be seen from the hill (Indonesian : Bukit) of Simarjarunjung, Tigaras at Si Sapu Angin, Simalungun, North Sumatra. You can enjoy the view of Toba Lake from here being accompanied by food and drink that will make you vacation and relaxation more complete. Simarjarunjung hill offering panoramic views of the mortal tub which may only exist in heaven. The Bukit Simarjarunjung is the tourist attraction which is lies on the top of the hill to see the beautiful scenery of rice fields, tea gardens and Lake Toba. The scenery is also equipped with a blue sky and a gentle breeze. If the weather is sunny and foggy, you can see the area around Lake Toba like green hills, mountains and blue lake water sparkle. That can linger at the top, you are recommended to bring a thick jacket and lunch at this place because of its cool air and cool. This place is also often in use for camping by the students or the community of nature lovers. 

3. Pulau Samosir
         Samosir Island is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba in North Sumatra province. Pulau Samosir commonly called the island in the island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, making the island became an island that attract tourists. Tuktuk is the tourists favorite place on the island. From Parapat, Tuktuk can be connected by crossing ferry. In addition to water transportation, Samosir Island can also be reached by road through Pangururan that a place where Samosir Island and Sumatra Island are connected. Samosir Island itself is located in the district of Samosir newly bloomed in 2003 from Toba Samosir regency. On this island there are also two small lakes as a tourist attraction which is Sidihoni Lake and Lake Aek Natonang who earned the nickname "lake on the lake".
There are various place as tourists attraction in Samosir Island as the following :
1.   Tomb of King Sidabutar, located in Tomok, the tomb made of intact stone that been
      carved without any linkage to the resting place of King Sidabutar businessmen Tomok 
      region at that time.
2.  Parsidangan stone, located in the village of stone Siallagan is being structured so during 
      the reign of King Siallagan place to prosecute and execute criminals.
3.  The Performances of Sigale-gale, were in Tomok is a folk art sculptures that are made to 
      be danced following the Gondang tradisional music.
4.  Marhosa stone, lies in sigarantung-village of Parmonangan, is a natural phenomenon of 
     the stone who can breath or able to exhale the air.
5.  Ambarita beaches, for bathing and fishing.
6.  Aek Natonang, located in the village Tanjungan,- that is a lake on the lake and be planned
     as an Tourism area covering 105 ha of the Forest.
7.  Tuktuk Siadong, the region similar cape of peninsula is now become the center of tourist
     activities (central tourism district) which been crowded y the business hotels &
     restaurants as well as a painter and engraver.
8. Bukit Beta kite International, a special area in Tuktuk Siadong which has been defined by
    Mr. Governor of North Sumatra. T. Rizal Nurdin in August 2004 for the location of the 
    Kite game International.
And a lot of more tourist place can be found in this Samosir Island.
Samosir Island

 Currently, there are many hotels, homestay, and guest house available on every place you are visiting within Danau Toba. You can found it all in Parapat Town, Samosir Island and other place in Danau Toba. The cost for stay in is varies from Rp. 100.000/Night - Rp. 550.ooo/night depend on grade or class room. Well, I can sure you all the potential tourist will not disappoint once you visit the Toba Lake. I will welcome you when you are here.  


Friday, December 9, 2016



           Mentawai Islands is an archipelago located on western of the Sumatra Island and surrounded by the Indian Ocean. Mentawai Islands are part of a series of non-volcanic islands and archipelagoes that the peaks of an underwater ridge. The Mentawai district consists of four main island groups that inhabited which is the island of Siberut, Sipora Island, North Pagai and South Pagai island. In addition, there are several small islands are uninhabited and mostly just another island planted with palm trees. Mentawai tribe as the main population in the district and generally the public did not have a clear picture of their origins, although any of them know some of the mythology that sometimes a little vague and unbelievable. Local people call their country by the name of Bumi Sikerei. Most of the inhabitants of the islands in the Mentawai Islands district comes from the island of Siberut. Mentawai tribe society physically has a culture that is mostly like an archaic neolithic era where the public is not familiar with the technology of metalworking, as well as planting and the art of weaving.  District population half of which are animists, then mostly Christians and Muslims. After the independence of the people in this district has been mingle with other tribes in Indonesia, especially after the district became one of the transmigration destination.

The Mentawai Beach - The Surfing Paradise

         Mentawai Islands in West Sumatra has a gorgeous stretch beaches. The Beach with white sand blends with the blue water. Mentawai has great waves that are well known among surfers the world as a surfing paradise, and that's why the Mentawai waves is being positioned at the fourth great waves on surfing in the world. There are many stunning beaches in Mentawai, call it Turkish Mapaddegat, Tuapeijat, Makakang in North Sipora, Simatalu in West Siberut and Sipora Katiet in the South. Besides beaches mentioned earlier, here are many other beaches spread over 10 districts in Mentawai. In addition Mentawai Islands also became one of the adventure tourism and cultural destination. Madobak village, Ugai village, and the village Matotonan are some cultural villages that are worth visiting. 

        To reach these villages, you have to travel about 5-6 hours through the river and the trail through the route of Muara Siberut Rokdok-Madobak-Ugai-Matotonan. The village is famous due to a waterfall Madobak Kulu Kubuk as high as 70 meters consisting of 2 levels.
Beside to the village Madobak, you can also visit Lake Rua Oinan which is shaped estuary surrounded by a large tree, which is located in the middle of the woods in the hamlet Saumanganyak.

           In addition to presenting the charm of beautiful beaches, Mentawai also become the central gathering endemic animals such as Mentawai macaque, pig tailed macaque monkeys, squirrels musk, Sipora flying squirrels, flying squirrels siberut and much more. Which would further spoil your travel and can be one of educational travel for your children in the region of West Sumatra. When you come to Mentawai, do not forget to taste the typical food Mentawai, taro chips derived from the taro plant, only to be found in the tourist attractions of West Sumatra.

Trip Information

           To get to the Mentawai islands, sea transport is still the mainstay. Using a motor boat that operates twice a week on Sunday night by Sumber Rezeki Baru Boat and Thursday night by Simasini Boat through the Bungus Port. Bungus Port takes around 50 Minutes from Minangkabau International Airport. Due to the location is  quite far away from the city of Padang, a trip would take in 1 day. This ship which became the main transport also when returning to the field that is departing on Tuesday and Friday nights at a cost of Rp. 125,000 per once trip. You can also use air transport departing from Minangkabau International Airport and then rent a small plane such as Tiger Air or SMAC up to Tuapejat in Sipora Island. Shorter journey time of around 3-4 hours to reach the mouth of Siberut. Several tour packages that exist in West Sumatra travel also provides packages including lodging, round trip transportation and take pictures with tribal facilities Mentawai and tour guide with a price range of Rp. 1,500,000 - Rp. 2,500,000.
           Well for those of you who are interested to venture Mentawai Islands district, you do not have to worry about where to stay if the price of lodging does not match your pocket. Several islands in the southern districts and the North Pagai siberut provide homestay. Hospitality of the population is already well known by tourists so that they would be happy to welcome you to stay and stopped at their residence.

Saturday, December 3, 2016


        West Sumatra known as a province in Indonesia that has a variety of beauty and uniqueness in attracting tourists and travelers who wish to spend the holiday with the  unique and extreme activities. It is been proved that one of the region within West Sumatera being famous by named which is Bukittinggi the Tourist City. West Sumatra which is geographically located in the area along the mountain of Barisan or Bukit Barisan (Indonesian Language) makes the province as an area that presents a variety of scenery and uniqueness in terms of tradition and culture. West Sumatera is also a province that is crossed by the equator, making province of western Sumatra have good soil fertility with good weather climates anyway. Since most of the province of West Sumatra lies on a peninsula Mountain of Barisan makes the most of this region has a fresh air and cold. 

         In addition to the natural scenery of mountains and hills, West Sumatra also has a favorite maritime tourism destination and the ultimate choice for travelers and tourists, one of them is Carocok Beach and Cingkuak island located in Painan, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera-Indonesia. Being Located approximately 80 KM from the Padang City, this location is not difficult to be found for tourists and visitors to visit the Carocok beach and the island cingkuak Area due to all the facilities to reach this location has been available including transportation, information and promotions. The Carocok beach and Cingkuak island lies in one acreage. Because between the coast and the island is separated by approximately 500 meters of shallow waters. If you visit the Carocok Beach, you can reach the Cingkuak Island as well by crossing the sea using canon boat that is available too in that location. At Carocok beach you can find a lot of accessories, traditional jewelry and the other unique stuff being sold as like as the public market. You also can taste the various recognize Padang Culinary and seafood here.

      If you'd like to enjoy the white sand clear beach scenery and performing snorkeling and feel the clear of the sea water, you got to cross to Cingkuak Island from Carocok coast by using the canon boat that being provided for the tourists who want to cross over there by paying for Rp. 15000 for one line trip cross. on the Cingkuak island, there are many options for you to try exciting activities such as Banana Boat, to surround the island by speed board, snorkeling, and feel the crystal clear sea water. You may spend the vacation by fishing  for those of you who like to fishing. Due to this Location is one of the venue for the Fishing competition all over Indonesia once ago, fishing can be the interest activity to enjoy your holiday  here.


      For you the visitors coming from outside of West Sumatera or from abroad, your plane will be landing on Minangkabau International Airport, Padang. Than forward to Padang City by public transportation such as Damri or Tranex or Taxi is also available on the airport. If you use Airport Bus, you need to pay the cost for Rp. 20.000 for or if you are going to use Taxi, the cost is negotiable but it will not less than Rp. 100.000 to Rp. 130.000 from Air port to Padang City. If you been arrived in Padang City, than you need to go to Pasar Raya Padang to find the next the public transportation for the next trip to Painan City. There are two option for the transportation which are legal transportation and illegal transportation. But most of people like to use the illegal transportation that they name "Travel". Why? they have service to drive the passenger to the address they want. You just pay it for Rp. 30.000 for the cost from Padang to Painan. You can reach this travel around the Taqwa mosque which is the biggest mosque in Pasar Raya Padang. You can ask the people around it where the travel stand on is. I would suggest and recommend you to this transportation based on my experience for many times to go here. But if you want to use legal transportation, you may have a next trip about 15 minutes from pasar raya padang to the place that name Rawang or Teluk Bayur by the mini station car with the blue color named "Oplet" and you need to pay the cost for Rp. 2.500. You can find a lot of bus or mini bus heading to Painan stand on waiting for the passenger but it will drive you slower than travel and they will drop you on the bus station or at the traditional market lies in Painan City. The cost for this kind transportation is less than Rp. 20.000   Padang to Painan take a distance around 80 Km and take 2 hours. During the journey, you will be shown the beauty coast and the blue ocean from the higher elevation. The retired and bored will be gone become the amazing trip as long as you are in the car heading to Painan. Once you arrived at Painan, there are many home stay and hotel you can found here along with reachable cost for stay by range Rp. 150.000 to Rp. 300.000 per night. 


      On the Cingkuak Island, there are several activities and games that you can try and enjoy such as Banana Boat, Donut Boat, Speed Boat, Flying Fox, snorkeling, fishing or swimming. We will discuss each one of the games in the island Cingkuak:

1. Banana Boat
       Banana Boat is a balloon made of rubber and contain dense of air. The shape of this balloon seems like banana and that's why it called Banana Boat. There are 8 available seats on the balloon and equipped by the rope as a handle for the person and withstand them in order to in order to keep them up from the speed of banana boat which is dragged by a speed boat which is snaking on the sea level carrying passengers touring around the island. Nuance that we feel when ride a banana boat is like riding a roller coaster or a fast train drive you up and down, twisting and spinning without slowing down. The perceived challenge is how strong your grip on the handling rope in front of you unable to drop you down due to high speed boat. But for those of you who can not swim do not worry, because each passenger shall suit off a life jacket before the game starts so it makes you afloat when you down. 
Banana Boat
2. Donat Boat
       This game is not so different to the Banana Boat. Your strong hand and ability to keep up your body not down is the challenge for this game. Only the shape of the balloon makes it looks different. So, I would not tell it more detail about this.
Donat Boat
3. Flying Fox
     Besides Banana and Donut Boat, for those of you who like extreme sports and challenges, Flying Fox can be the ultimate option to see your braveness. This Flying Fox span along 300 meters from the Batu Kereta Island to the west coast of Carocok. The adrenaline rush combined with a desire to see the beach from above. From the tower of flying fox,  Carocok beach looks beautiful. The blue of the water combined to white sand and green trees equipped the coast make this scenery looks amazing from the distance.  Once the tool is installed safely and completely, please start sliding while enjoying the beauty of the beach Carocok from the elevation. This is a good game for wo those like an extreme sports and activity.
Flying Fox
Well, after all the great games and activities explanation, what make stop you to visit this place and try all of it. Have a nice holiday.

Monday, November 28, 2016



          This time our discussion will be heading to the island of Bintan. A large island in the Riau Islands of Indonesia and inhabited by various tribes. But the indigenous people of the island of Bintan is ethnic Malay. On this island has three Government, the City of Tanjung Pinang located in Senggarang, Government of Bintan Regency, located in Bandar Seri Bintan, Riau Islands Province and the Government on the island Dompak (Tanjung Pinang).The island is adjacent to Batam Island and also with Singapore. Bintan Island is the largest island in the Riau Archipelago, which comprises almost 3,000 large and small islands surrounded by South China Sea. Tanjung Pinang is the capital of the province is located on the south west coast of Bintan. Geographically and strategically this archipelago is located on the southern peninsula of Malaysia at the mouth of the Strait of Malacca, the Riau archipelago, which is a favorite place and become the traffic of  the ships to East and South regions of Earth's such as Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand or from east or south to the plains of Europe, Asia and America. And its likely a paradise for treasure and antiques hunter from the ships that sank in these sea.

         But apart from its interesting historical stories, Bintan has a lot of tourist destinations that are not less attractive to be compared to Bali and Lombok, which already been famous and go international. Ya..Bintan has a beautiful beach along with white sand and overlooking to the vast of South China Sea which are Lagoi coastal and trikora. I will discuss about trikora one because I've been visited this place before. Trikora Beach has a stunning beauty. The beautiful seem unique just like the beaches in Bali and Lombok but for this one, Trikora beach is equipped with a cluster of rocks and vast white sand along the coast. Along the way after entering the intersection heading to Trikora and Tanjung Pinang, the seascape already noticeable. If the weather is sunny, it will make the journey are more
Interesting though hot weather overshadow the trip.

         Beside the beautiful beaches which has been present by Bintan Island so far, there are a lot of amazing food and culinary you can earn on this area but the famous one is "Otak-Otak". It made of from fish, Cuttlefish, Shrimp. You can get it along the trip to Trikora Beaches. They sell it on the roadside. The price per each is Rp.2000. its tasty and delicious.

The Journey Direction

         For those of you who come and want to start the journey from Batam, you will begin its journey through the port of Tanjung Punggur by aboard the cargo ship its called Ro-Ro, because this path from Tanjung Punggur port  to Bintan port are shorter than if you dropped in the port of Tanjung Pinang. You can bring your vehicle even it is car or motorcycle along with your self if you cross the sea by aboard the crossing ship. 
My last trip heading to Bintan and brought the vehicle, the rate for crossing to Bintan along with car was Rp. 260K and the rate has been include the driver, and the rate for motorcycle was Rp. 80K and that is include the rider as well. But for the passenger, it will take Rp. 20K per each. The trip to cross the island is taking less than 1 hour. On the crossing ship aboard, there is canteen that sold the food and beverage such as Coffee, Tea, Milk and noodle or snack. 
        Upon arriving at the port of Tanjung Uban - Bintan, the trip will foward to trikora and it will takes approximately 1 hour from the port and that's why to bring the vehicle can make the trip will be easier.  But for those of you who are not bring the vehicle, if you already have booked the hotel, usually the hotel has some services to pick you up to the port and if the hotel does not provide shuttle service, you may ask the local residents or port officer regarding to the transportation to drive you to the Trikora. Furthermore, after traveling overland to the coast trikora, I was to chose the homestay Serumpun Padi Emas Resort as my last stop. The resort has reachable rate to stay and equipped by Air Conditioner, Television and soft bed. The Resort lies in the Trikora Beach area and this place is the favorite destination for the local tourists and international tourists. They are visiting this place here on holiday and weekend. When I was there, I saw a lot of tourist from Europe and Australia. By the way, talking about the homestay, Serumpun Padi Emas Resort has a rate for Rp.550k/night installment . And more interesting is the room layout is exactly facing the overlay of white sand of the beach. The overlay of white sand and being overgrown by palm trees and the clear sea water will make your exhausting trip was not in vain. You can enjoy the perfection and large rocks in a certain part of this beach that has made it becomes more amazing.
         Well, if this information making you wondering and curious to experience and prove it, why you don't try it by coming and visiting the wonderful beaches on Bintan Island. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


1.   Air Terjun (Waterfall) Lubuk Batang

         The Waterfall of Lubuak Batang is the hidden paradise which is not many people know where the location is. Air Terjun Batang Lubuak is located in Nagari Koto Bangun, Muaro Peti Kapur IX, Kecamatan Pangkalan, Kabupaten 50 Kota, Sumatera Barat - Indonesia.
The air is still fresh, the place still looks green and clean. The sand looks white as seem as on the beach. Despite the long journey to make all exhausted, but it will be paid off after arriving and see the Waterfall of Lubuak Batang. You can build and set up the tent to stay in this place but in one condition, you must keep up the place is clean and free from garbage in order to maintain the cleanliness.    

2.  Air Terjun (Waterfall) Burai Burai Malalak

        Waterfall for Malalak resident called "Burai Burai". Malalak still many of waterfall available that is still hidden and unexposed waterfall. One of them is the beautiful Burai Burai which is located in Jorong Lansiang or Sungai Lansiangan Nagari Malalak Barat, West Sumatra - Indonesia. To reach this location is not so hard. It can be reach from Bukittinggi in less than 1 hour or 2,5 hours from West Sumatra Capital which is Padang. Once arrived in Jorong Lansiang, we have no trouble to find this location due to the Local People are so Friendly to welcome the tourist especially from Abroad who intend to visit their village. They will help you to report the post guard who want to guide and driving you into the location as a touring guide. They are not set the official rate for their service but defend on the sincerity of the visitors. But to enter to the location, you will be charged for Rp. 5000 for each and park charge Rp. 10000.
        To reach the waterfall location for the beginners, it will be taken 1 hour journey but for the experience traveller, it will take 20 minutes only cause the route for heading to the location is extreme a little bit  but once the waterfall has been seen on your eyelid, all the tired had been experiencing will nothing. You got to cross the river firstly as as wide as 10 meters including swift river currents and slippery. For you the traveling lovers and Adventurers this kind of route will drive you happy. When the waterfall was really spread out before us, we were served by a very unusual sight. Although the waterfall is not very high, but it has a large water discharge. The location is still so natural. On the outskirts of the waterfall adorned by various reliefs of stone. Check it out here.

3.  Air Terjun (Waterfall) Talago. 

          Waterfall or Talago still in the same area with Air Terjun Lubuk Nyarai. You can see the location for both Waterfall here.  Indeed this waterfall not much people know about it caused this location is unfamiliar and unexposed to the public either on the list of traveler  trip plan. Waterfall has a fairly wide pool, and unspoiled scenery will certainly a bonus to this location. 
          You will take a long journey to get this Air Terjun Talago and long hours as well which around 7 hours will be taken from Air Terjun Lubuk Nyarai. You will need a good health, fit body and enough food and beverage to reach this place. And the guidance from local people is also required. Its like  a traveling and explore the jungle but you will not get disappoint to have this journey cause the beautiful view, green hill and fresh air will come to you along the journey. Well, to all of you the explorer or the adventurer, don't call your self  the adventure lovers if you can't try this one.. 

4.  Air Terjun (Waterfall) Lubuk Tempurung

          Being in the middle of the forest, the water is really cold, very cold, you can bet this waterfall comes from the mountains. Located in the upper reaches of Sungai Batang Guo, District Kuranji, the city of Padang, West Sumatra - Indonesia,- this waterfall will become on the list of the traveling program for all the tourist who come to West Sumatra. 
To get to the location of the waterfall can be reached by motorcycles  or cars. Its location is in the eastern part of the city of Padang about 15 kilometers from the city center towards the direction of Mount Sariak. From the entrance, visitors will walk about 700 meters, through the fruit garden which is owned by local residents. You will get hike a little bit, combing the ground walkway through the vast of the field of Rambutan and Durian trees will make the journey feel awesome and great. With 15 meter of Waterfall height and 4 Meters depth, it will challenge you to jump from the height. So, are you dare to face it ?

 5. Air Terjun (Waterfall) Dua Warna Sibolangit

          Waterfall of Dua Warna or two color waterfall located in Desa Sirgun, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, North Sumatera - Indonesia. You might be wondering why the waterfall called 2 color or dua warna in Indonesia ? The Source of waterfall located at an altitude of 1270 meters above sea level is derived from Mount Sibayak. Named waterfall two colors because the water has two different color gradations which is grayish white and blue. Scientifically, the difference caused the color gradation levels of phosphorus and sulfur in the water. In addition to enjoying the beauty of the Air Terjun  Dua Warna, here the tourists can play in the water, swimming, and camping near to waterfall. But keep in mind that the water of Air Terjun Dua Warna is not drinkable. To enter the Air Terjun Dua Warna area, the tourists will need to pay the entrance cost for Rp. 25.000/Person. The tourists must pass through a dense forest for 2-3 hours. But not to worry because even if the track is rather challenging, but safe as reserved for tourists. You can enlist the services of guides to accompany. 

Travel Route Direction
            To get to the sub-district of Medan Sibolangit you can use Public transportation such as Bus heading to Kabanjahe, after you reached the campground Sibolangit, you can ask to local people of the waterfall location. Its a must for you whom the first time to go there and use the guide service cause you will have a trip for 3 hours through the dense forests  but you don't have to worry because there are many signposts during the journey. The cost to pay the guide service is range from Rp. 200.000 to Rp. 300.000. The route is tough because a lot of climbs and through small river streams, but all will  pay off  when you've reached the waterfall 2 colors are quite exotic and interesting. You need to bring all your needed including Food and beverage cause this location is lies on the mid of Forests. 

6.  Air Terjun (Waterfall) Timbulun Painan

The next tourist spot that also keeps the charm of a waterfall in the eastern city of Painan, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra - Indonesia . In this place there is a waterfall called waterfall Timbulun. The Travel Enchantment for this one is still hidden because the location is quite far with extreme terrain. This waterfall has seven levels where access to the higher levels relatively much more difficult so most people only able to reach on level 2. 

Those pics above are Air Terjun Timbulun Level 1

At the second level of the waterfall slightly sloped and rumbles among the rocks. Here you will found also a beautiful pool where the whole cliff and consists essentially of rocks formed by nature. While on the third level, the waterfall perpendicular approximately 15 meters height. Here also will be found a deep enough pool with slightly greenish color of the water.
Air Terjun Timbulun Level 2

7.  Air Terjun (Waterfall) Malanca

The traveler who wants to spend a long weekend to a cool place in West Sumatra, can play to Waterfall of Malanca. The waterfall is still rarely visited by tourists. This waterfall is located in the Desa Landai, Kabupaten 50 kota, West Sumatra - Indonesia still unspoiled, not many people come here. It takes 3 hour from Padang City to Payakumbuh by public transportation. This Place must be on your list when you were plan to come to West Sumatra - Indonesia. 

8.  Air Terjun (Waterfall) Sampuren Putih

       For you the adventurous, enjoying the journey is part of a tour. And that makes the Air Terjun Sampuren Putih getting interested to be visited. Located in Corner of Desa Cinta Rakyat, Basukum, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deliserdang, West Sumatera - Indonesia, all the journey stage from the begin till entering the Waterfall region is quite awesome. Sampuren Putih has a height of about 3 meters, but that's not the charm, but the virginity of the waterfall in the middle of the woods and away from settlements. 
The forest is located in a village which has only three households. To get there, a traveler must pass through the stone blocks, rocks, until the land. Arriving at the village, a traveler can park the motorcycle in local people homes, and walk about 300 m into the forest. A lot of tourists choose this location cause they will experience the challenge of the journey stage which is the air still fresh and cool and also the forests is unspoiled with no wild animal right there. The water is clear and clean, but not so cold caused mixed up with hot springs at the top level.

         Well, still a lot of waterfall lies in Indonesia especially in Sumatra. But for now, I just can share what it has been experiencing by myself.  I will keep to seek for the new location which is still unknown only not with the recognized and famous one cause all the information about it, you can browse in the internet. Well, I ll see you again with the new article and excited place to be share.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Dear all the adventure and traveling lovers. Again we will discuss regarding to the favourite destination in Indonesia for your guidance and direction when you were planned to head up to Indonesia. Now we are discussing about the wonderful and amazing lakes within Indonesia. Let's start to look at..

1.  Lake of Tarusan Kamang

Kamang Tarusan lake is located in Jorong Babukik and Jorong Halalang, Nagari Kamang Mudiak, District Kamang Magek, Agam, Sumatra Barat - Indonesia. This lake is unique as it contains only water at certain seasons. Sometime looks so vast, but in time that can not be predicted, this lake could turn into a stretch of green pastures. When it became a lake, in the middle there is a kind of mounds of land that is not filled with water, which the local people called Padang Doto. The disappearance of the lake water into the bowels of the Earth and appear in the slit green pastures, without being able to guess the time is thought to occur because of the existence of an underground river. As a karst lake, when groundwater rises, the hallways at the bottom of the hill limestone will spout the water and covering the pasture than it has became a vast lake. Conversely, when the underground river water down, the water is sucked up just seemed the meadow. Let us see the object below. 

2. Danau Kembar (Danau Di Ateh & Danau Di Bawah)

Danau kembar is the twins lake which is located in Bungo Tanjung, Alahan Panjang, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat - Indonesia which is less then 65 kilometer from City of Padang. Danau Kembar consists of 2 Lakes that lies side by side which the first lake is called Danau Di ateh and the Other is Called Danau Di bawah. In Minang language, Di Ateh means top and Di Bawah means below. Based on the elevation of these 2 lakes, it will be found that the lakes have different elevation and strangely Danau Di Ateh position is lower than Danau Di Bawah. The depth of these two lakes is different, Danau Di Ateh has the depth more than 500 Meters and Danau Di Bawah has the depth more than 44 Meters. The amazing views can be seen from the distance. You can check it here.

Danau Kembar looks from the Distance. The smaller one is Danau Talang

3.  Danau Singkarak (Singkarak Lake)

Lake Singkarak (Indonesian: Danau Singkarak) is a lake in West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is located between the cities of Padang Panjang and Solok. It has an area of 107.8 km², being approximately 21 km long and 7 km wide. The natural outlet for excess water is the Ombilin river which flows eastward to the Strait of Malacca. A hydroelectric project, however, has diverted most of the lake outflow to the Anai river which flows westward into the Indian Ocean near Padang. This Singkarak power station uses this water to generate power for the West Sumatra and Riau provinces. A species of fish called ikan bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) is endemic to the lake, and is harvested for human consumption. A railway line, which connects Padang and Sawahlunto-Sijunjung, skirts the length of the lake on the eastern side. The beautiful and amazing view of this lake will explain everything you need by this picture or visit it. 

Singkarak Lake from the Distance

4.  Danau Maninjau (Maninjau Lake)

Maninjau Lake is a caldera lake in West Sumatera. Located in kecamatan Tanjung Raya, Kabupaten Agam, provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia and about 140 kilometers north of Padang, capital of West Sumatra, 36 kilometers from Bukittinggi, 27 kilometers from Lubuk cone, Agam regency capital. Danau Maninjau is Volcanic Lake which is located at an altitude of 461.50 meters above sea level. The caldera formed due to volcanic eruptions composite stratovolcano that developed in the tectonic zone of the Great Sumatran Fault system called mountain Sitinjau (according to local legend), it can be seen from the shape of the hill around the lake that resembles like a wall. Maninjau caldera (34.5 km x 12 km) is occupied by a lake measuring 8 km x 16.5 km (132 km2). Maninjau caldera wall has 459 m of the surface of the lake has a depth of 157 meters. You can see the beautiful and its charisma when you arrive in this place.

Maninjau Lake from Puncak Lawang

5.  Danau Talang (Talang Lake)

Danau Talang is not as famous as Danau Maninjau, Danau Singkarak or Danau Kembar. But the beauty is not less compare to others. Surrounded by views of Mount Talang from the lake, and the water is very clear, to make Danau Talang is one of the attractions that must be visited if you one day make a plan to have a trip to West Sumatra Indonesia. Danau Talang is located in Kenagarian Kampung Batu Dalam, Kecamatan Danau Kembar, Kabupaten Solok, West Sumatera - Indonesia. Let's see the lake below :

6.  Danau Toba (Toba Lake)

Lake Toba is a tekto-volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide, located in Parapat, Sumatera Province, Indonesia. This lake is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia and looks like an ocean at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level and has a depth of 450 meters is also one of the deepest lake in the worldIn the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Pulau Samosir. Samosir island has a surface area almost as large as the state of Singapore is not an empty island, the island is home to Samosir Batak tribe. Batak tribe who live d Pulau Samosir still adhere to ancestral beliefs. They also still run the usual rituals of our ancestors. In Samosir Island there are two villages visited by many tourists, namely Tomok and Tuktuk. Tomok is a village that has many interesting attractions such as the tomb of King Sidabutar, Batak Museum and the puppet dance performances Sigale-gale popular. In contrast to Tomok which has many historical sights, Tuktuk is a village where there are many inns for travelers. Let's see what it looks like..

7.  Danau Kerinci (Kerinci Lake)

Kerinci Lake is a lake located in the province Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi Province, Indonesia. This lake has an area of 5000 square meters with a height of 783 meters above sea level. The lake lies in two regions of the District,- District of Keliling Danau dan Kecamatan Danau Kerinci. Danau Kerinci is a volcanic lake with depth of 110 meters. Kerinci Lake has a great influence in compliance of the water needs in the area around kerinci both for agriculture and drinking water needs for the community.
When you were planned to have a trip to Lake Kerinci, make sure your stamina in a fit state. Because, a lot of things you can do when you have reached the Lake of Kerinci. If you like fishing, do not forget to bring your fishing gear, because here live some kind of fish you can fishing. You can also swim or camp activities with family or friends. Along the edge of the lake, is a very suitable place to see the sights of Lake Kerinci. There you will see the boats of the fishermen who were catching fish like fishermen on the beaches. 

8. Danau Ranau (Ranau Lake)

The lake was created by the massive earthquake and volcanic eruption of the volcano makes a big basin. Situated at position coordinates 4 ° 51'45 "S, 103 ° 55'50" E. Danau Ranau or Ranau Lake is the second biggest lake in Sumatera after Danau Toba or Toba Lake. Danau Ranau is located in Kabupaten OKU Selatan, Sumatera Selatan Province - Indonesia is not only spacious and beautiful, but the air around it was also very cool and fresh. Besides enjoying the beauty of Mount Seminung and the blue waters of the lake, there are several other attractions in the area that became the destination of the tourists, including Mariza Island, thermal baths and waterfalls Subik Tuha. In Mariza Island, there are hot springs are often used by locals or tourists who come to the island, there is a waterfall, and lodging. The lake is also a flagship attraction of Ulu Ogan Ogan. There are three main points of interest for visitors Danau Ranau, namely PT Wisma Pusri (South Sumatra), The Beach of Sinangkalan (South Sumatra) and Lombok Tourism (Lampung).

9. Danau Laut Tawar (Laut Tawar Lake)

Laut Tawar Lake is a lake and tourist area located in the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh District, Aceh Province. West side of the lake there is a city of Takengon, which is also the capital of Central Aceh district. Gayo call this lake called Lake Laut(Sea) Tawar. The extent of approximately 5472 hectares, with a length of 17 km and a width of 3.219 km. The volume of water is approximately 2,537,483,884 m³ (2.5 billion liters).
The existence of Lake Laut Tawar became the pride of the people of Aceh. And according to traditional stories circulating around the Gayo community regarding to depik fish. The ornamental fish shaped like a slender white scales glistening with the size of your thumb that live in Lake Laut Tawar. The story said that depik fish derived from rice grains are being expelled into the lake. They will come to the surface in a particular season, especially during the rainy season. Before the season arrives, the depik fish hiding in the south of the lake, at the foot of Mount Bur Kelieten. Depik is a gift of God to the community of Gayo, although constantly consumed, they never runs out.

Well, all the information of the wonderful lake in Sumatera has been shared and wish to see you there someday. Make a plan for your traveling and just leave your comment here and don't forget to share this to your friends, family, group and team. Will see you again on next episode just to help you for all the information of wonderful place in Indonesia especially in Sumatera.